Web Development

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    Websites should be beautiful both inside & out

    What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.

    You have many options

    Where does one honestly look these days when it comes time to build a website for their business or passion? 

    There is the fully fledged agency that charges in accordance with the rent on their fancy, prime located office, the amateur weekend website designer who will knock something up for a few hundred pounds however might also bring as many unforeseen challenges,  or the plethora of DIY options now present online which promote the misconception that everyone is a web designer.

    The answer?

    Well, it really comes down to a number of options. Not least of which are budget, purpose, future development and vision for the site or business and flexibility.


    We focus on aesthetics, SEO & Usability

    We focus on aesthetics, SEO & Usability

    The Approach

    Short of just making words and pictures work together with award-winning style, your website should represent your brand and the experience your customers can expect to have with you. First impressions matter and are closely matched by a tight backend, seamless and robust code, and of course findability

    Connect  5 Media falls somewhat into its own category. A small dynamic team based in Glasgow and London. On top of which, we have an expandable resource through strong partnerships that allow us to work on any job no matter how small or large.

    The only thing that isn’t large are our fees. No big fancy high street offices here. 

    Just great quality work at a fair price.


    Our  Weapon of Choice

    When it comes to web design and everything else for that matter, we stick to what we know and our chosen weapon of choice is the wordpress platform.

    Powering over 100 million websites, with tens of thousands of available plugins and a user-friendly content management system, there is no surprise that WordPress is the most popular choice in the world today when it comes down to which platform to use.

    Our  Weapon of Choice

    When it comes to web design and everything else for that matter, we stick to what we know and our chosen weapon of choice is the wordpress platform.

    Powering over 100 million websites, with tens of thousands of available plugins and a user-friendly content management system, there is no surprise that WordPress is the most popular choice in the world today when it comes down to which platform to use.

    Our Process

    STAGE 1:

    Goal identification

    This stage is all about understanding where you’re coming from and how we can best create the vision you have in your head. This stage is all about defining the goals and purpose of the website.

    Stage 2:

    Content Collation

    Now we have an idea of where we are going, lets out some fuel in the car. It’s important at this stage to gather together all of the final content before moving forward so that all of the visual consideration are based on the actual content that will be populating the final design.

    Stage 3:

    The Visual

    Once we have everything together, it on to the aesthetics. Some would argue this is the most important part of a great site. The design needs to be both visually appealing as well as clean and simple. Great choice of colour and imagery here can be the difference between a banging site of just another web address.

    Stage 4:

    Time to test

    We build responsive websites meaning the one site is designed in such a way that it will be suitable for all the many different device screen sizes that are available today. This testing process will entail both manual and automatic methods to ensure its ready for human consumption and error free.

    Stage 5:


    The is the part we have all been waiting for. The project is complete and it’s ready to show it to the world. This part will include both launch timing as well as communication and marketing strategies to coincide.

    Stage 6:

    Support & Maintenance

    One of the greats aspects of WordPress is that you have the option of choice when it comes to both hosting and ongoing maintenance. We are more than happy to also take care of this aspect for you if you’re someone who would prefer the complete package approach so its completely up to you.

    Our Process

    STAGE 1:

    Goal identification

    This stage is all about understanding where you’re coming from and how we can best create the vision you have in your head. This stage is all about defining the goals and purpose of the website.

    Stage 2:

    Content Collation

    Now we have an idea of where we are going, lets out some fuel in the car. It’s important at this stage to gather together all of the final content before moving forward so that all of the visual consideration are based on the actual content that will be populating the final design.

    Stage 3:

    The Visual

    Once we have everything together, it on to the aesthetics. Some would argue this is the most important part of a great site. The design needs to be both visually appealing as well as clean and simple. Great choice of colour and imagery here can be the difference between a banging site of just another web address.

    Stage 4:

    Time to test

    We build responsive websites meaning the one site is designed in such a way that it will be suitable for all the many different device screen sizes that are available today. This testing process will entail both manual and automatic methods to ensure its ready for human consumption and error free.

    Stage 5:


    The is the part we have all been waiting for. The project is complete and it’s ready to show it to the world. This part will include both launch timing as well as communication and marketing strategies to coincide.

    Stage 6:

    Support & Maintenance

    One of the greats aspects of WordPress is that you have the option of choice when it comes to both hosting and ongoing maintenance. We are more than happy to also take care of this aspect for you if you’re someone who would prefer the complete package approach so its completely up to you.

    Like to speak with someone about your digital project today? Feel free to drop us a line.